Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Host Review

Two brief reviews in one...because I have to.

I asked the husband, "Want to go see 'The Host'?"  Fully expecting a nope...and then going by myself...because anything resembling a chick flick, he doesn't want to have anything to do with...  But then, he said, "Sure, tomorrow?"  Okay.

So, on the morrow we went.

All the way in, I'm waiting for some "chick flick" comment...but it never came.  Previews start.  More "nope" coming from our mouths after each preview than "I want to see that!"

Although, we were both surprised that we want to see the new 'Superman'!

I'm more surprised by him wanting to.  Usually, comic book movies get a "nope" from him.  Like the new Iron Man...nope...I'll be enjoying that one on my own.  Which is fine.

Back to this movie.

Not to reveal details, if you don't know them, I don't want to spoil anything...the husband knew nothing about it except that I loved the book and had brought it on our Mexican cruise with the younger two and got really into it.  It messed with my head, in the best way that a good book that you've dived into can mess with your head...back to the movie...so sorry...I get distracted...

They did a good job.  It's been awhile since I read the book, so I forget how old the character was, but I guess, in my head, I had her older.  And I didn't have the seeker as old.  But that's all okay.  They did a great job with the uncle's "place".  I really want to see the mirrors from above...

I wouldn't say that this is for a youngsters.  Private parts are kept covered, but...the little ones don't need to go.

Leaving the theatre, I said they didn't destroy the book.  They did okay.  So, from someone who loved the book, and wasn't upset with the movie, I'd say that's a positive thing.

He liked the movie.  It kept his interest.  I told him they rushed a few things, but it's a BIG book, so they kind of had to let you just know that feelings were developing instead of how you got to live them in the book.

Movie?  I don't love it, but I liked it.

Book?  I love it.  Don't know that I'll reread it, because what if it's not as good the second time through?  I don't want to take the chance of ruining it in my head.

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